miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2004

Abhor - Vocat Spiritum Morti (2004)

Band: Abhor
Album:  Vocat Spiritum Morti
Type: Full-length
Release date: September 05rd, 2004
Genre: Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Occultism, Esotericism, Satanism, Witchcraft
Label: The Oath
Location: Padua, Veneto
Formed in: 1995
Country of origin: Italy

1. Hic Sunt Leones
2. Dwarf 
3. Vinum Sabbati
4. Wizard
5. Spellbound Atmosphere of Fiendish Calm
6. Non ho Sonno
7. Profondo Rosso
Total Playing Time: 36:41


jueves, 8 de julio de 2004

Aeternitas - La Danse Macabre (2004)

Band: Aeternitas 
Album: La Danse Macabre
Type: Full-length
Release date: July 5th, 2004
Genre: Gothic/Symphonic Metal
Lyrical themes: Medieval German & Latin texts (early); Famous English short stories & poems
Label: Armageddon Music
Location: Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein
Formed in: 1999
Country of origin: Germany

01. Der Erste Prediger
02. Kaiser & Kaiserin
03. Krüppel
04. Edelmann & Edelfrau
05. Jurist
06. Nonne
07. Kardinal
08. Papst
09. Abt
10. König
11. Chorherr
12. Mutter & Kind
13. Der Zweite Prediger
14. Untitled
Total Playing Time: 58:32
