Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Gevurah. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Gevurah. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 18 de octubre de 2022

Gevurah - Gehinnom (2022)

Band: Gevurah
Album: Gehinnom
Type: Full-length
Release date: October 15th, 2022
Genre: Black Metal
Lyrical theme: Spirituality, Luciferianism
Label: Profound Lore Records
Location: Montréal, Quebec
Formed in: N/A
Country of origin: Canada

01. Gehinnom
02. At The Orient Of Eden
03. Blood-Soaked Katabasis
04. Towards The Shifting Sands
05. LV: 16-22
06. Memento, Homo...
07. Gloria In Excelsis Deo, Et Ira Ad Homines In TerraTracklist:
Total Playing Time: 45:59



lunes, 6 de junio de 2016

Gevurah - Hallelujah! (2016)

Band: Gevurah
Album: Hallelujah!
Type: Full-length
Release date: June 3rd, 2016
Genre: Black Metal
Lyrical theme: Spirituality, Luciferianism
Label: Profound Lore Records
Location: Montréal, Quebec
Formed in: N/A
Country of origin: Canada

01. The Fire Dwelling Within
02. Cosmic Putrefaction
03. Un feu indomptable
04. Lifting the Veils of Da'at
05. Temple Without Form
06. Dies Irae - Lacrimosa
07. הַלְּלוּיָהּ
Total Playing Time: 01:04:11
