Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Bloodbath. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Bloodbath. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2022

Bloodbath - Survival Of The Sickest (2022)

Band: Bloodbath
Album: Survival Of The Sickest
Type: Full-length
Release date: September 9th, 2022
Genre: Death Metal
Lyrical themes: Blasphemy, Death, Gore, Supernaturalism, Violence
Label: Napalm Records
Location: Stockholm
Formed in: 1998
Country of origin: Sweden

01. Zombie Inferno
02. Putrefying Corpse
03. Dead Parade
04. Malignant Maggot Therapy
05. Carved
06. Born Infernal
07. To Die
08. Affliction Of Extinction
09. Tales Of Melting Flesh
10. Environcide
11. No God Before Me
Total Playing Time: 44:45


domingo, 3 de julio de 2022

Bloodbath - Survival Of The Sickest (EP) (2022)

Band: Bloodbath
Album: Survival Of The Sickest
Type: EP
Release date: June 30th, 2022
Genre: Death Metal
Lyrical themes: Blasphemy, Death, Gore, Supernaturalism, Violence
Label: Legacy Magazine
Location: Stockholm
Formed in: 1998
Country of origin: Sweden

01. Zombie Inferno
02. Weak Aside (Live)
03. So You Die (Live)
04. Eaten (Live)
05. Mutilation (Death cover)
Total Playing Time: 19:12


martes, 15 de octubre de 2019

Bloodbath - Bathe In Blood (Compilation) (2019)

Band: Bloodbath
Album:  Bathe In Blood 
Type: Compilation
Release date: October 12th 2019,
Genre: Death Metal
Lyrical themes: Blasphemy, Death, Gore, Supernaturalism, Violence
Label: Napalm Records
Location: Stockholm
Formed in: 1998
Country of origin: Sweden

Disk 1:
01. Cancer Of The Soul
02. So You Die
03. Anne
04. Death Delirium
05. Feeding The Undead
06. Bathe In Blood
07. Ways To The Grave
08. Brave New Hell
09. Furnace Funeral
10. Cry My Name
11. Buried By The Dead
12. Breeding Death (Demo)
13. Fleischmann
14. Morbid Antichrist
15. Bloodicide
Total Playing time: 01:02:27

Disk 2:
01. Let The Stillborn Come To Me
02. Total Death Exhumed
​​​​03. Mass Strangulation
​​​​04. Outnumbering The Day
​​​​05. Omnious Bloodvomit (Demo)
​​​​06. Eaten
​​​​07. Bastard Son Of God
​​​​08. Like Fire
​​​​09. The Ascension
​​​​10. Hades Rising
​​​​11. Grand Morbid Funeral
​​​​12. Soul Evisceration
​​​​13. Wayward Samaritan
​​​​14. Deader
​​​​15. Warhead RitualTracklist:
Total Playing Time: 01:00:11
