Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Leper Colony. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Leper Colony. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 16 de enero de 2023

Leper Colony - Leper Colony (2023)

Band: Leper Colony
Album: Leper Colony
Type: Full-length
Release date: January 13th, 2023
Genre: Death/Thrash Metal
Lyrical themes: N/A
Label: Transcending Obscurity Records
Location: N/A
Formed in: N/A
Country of origin: Germany

01. The Human Paradox
02. Perdition's End
03. The Surgical Undeadvors
04. Tar And Feathers
05. Rapture Addict
06. Leper Colony
07. A Flow So Greatly Macabre
08. Flesh Crawl Demise
09. Gruesome End
Total Playing Time: 33:34
