Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Rogga Johansson. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Rogga Johansson. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2022

Rogga Johansson - Inside The Otherwhere (2022)

Band: Rogga Johansson
Album: Inside The Otherwhere
Type: Full-length
Release date: November 2nd, 2022
Genre: Death Metal
Lyrical themes: Death, Horror, Fantasy, Local folklore
Label: Iron, Blood and Death Corporation
Location: Gamleby, Kalmar
Formed in: N/A
Country of origin: Sweden

01. Inside The Otherwhere
02. Another World Darkly
03. The Creepers Are Coming
04. The Dance Of Garpedans
05. Prelude To Delirium
06. Nowhere Else But Here
07. The Otherwhere Wants You
08. Ends And Beginnings
09. The Key Found
Total Playing Time: 34:47


viernes, 19 de julio de 2019

Rogga Johansson - Entrance To The Otherwhere (2019)

Band: Rogga Johansson
Album: Entrance To The Otherwhere
Type: Full-length
Release date: July 19th, 2019
Genre: Death Metal
Lyrical themes: Death, Horror, Fantasy, Local folklore
Label: Transcending Obscurity Records
Location: Gamleby, Kalmar
Formed in: N/A
Country of origin: Sweden

01. The Re-Emergers
02. Till Bergets Puls
03. When The Otherwhere Opens
04. Giants Walking At Night
05. As Evil Seeps Out
06. Berget Vaknar
07. Entrance To The Otherwhere
08. A Journey Into Fear
09. In The Grip Of Garpedans
Total Playing Time: 33:06


jueves, 27 de abril de 2017

Rogga Johansson - Garpedans (2017)

Band: Rogga Johansson
Album: Garpedans
Type: Full-length
Release date: April 24th, 2017
Genre: Death Metal
Lyrical themes: Death, Horror, Fantasy, Local folklore
Label: Chaos Records
Location: Gamleby, Kalmar
Formed in: N/A
Country of origin: Sweden

01. At Mountain Garpe
02. A Seal Has Been Broken
03. The Thrower Of Boulders
04. Under Unknown Skies
05. Turned Into Stone (But Not Forgotten)
06. Garpedans
07. Where It Feasts
08. A Tool Of Great Pain
09. Mordbrand
Total Playing Time: 40:05
