Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Urfaust. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Urfaust. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 14 de agosto de 2023

Urfaust - Untergang (2023)

Band: Urfaust
Album:  Untergang
Type: Full-length
Release date: August 11th, 2023
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal/Ambient
Lyrical themes: Death, Occultism, Intoxication, Rituals, Nihilism
Label: Ván Records
Location: Asten, North Brabant
Formed in: 2003
Country of origin: Netherlands

01. Untergang
02. Höllenkosmos
03. Leere
04. Reliquienstaub
05. Vernichtung
06. Atomtod
07. Abgrund
Total Playing Time: 37:42


lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2020

Urfaust - Teufelsgeist (2020)

Band: Urfaust
Album: Teufelsgeist
Type: Full-length
Release date: November 27th, 2020
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal/Ambient
Lyrical themes: Death, Occultism, Intoxication, Rituals, Nihilism
Label: Ván Records
Location: Asten, North Brabant
Formed in: 2003
Country of origin: Netherlands

01. Offerschaal Der Astrologische Mengformen
02. Bloedsacrament Voor De Geestenzieners
03. Von Alcoholische Verbittering Naar Religieuze Cult
04. De Filosofie Van Een Gedesillusioneerde
05. Het Godverlaten Leprosarium
Total Playing Time: 33:28


lunes, 7 de mayo de 2018

Urfaust - The Constellatory Practice (2018)

Band: Urfaust
Album: The Constellatory Practice
Type: Full-length
Release date: May 4th, 2018
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal/Ambient
Lyrical themes: Death, Occultism, Intoxication, Rituals, Nihilism
Label: Ván Records
Location: Asten, North Brabant
Formed in: 2003
Country of origin: Netherlands

01. Doctrine Of Spirit Obsession
02. Behind The Veil Of The Trance Sleep
03. A Course In Cosmic Meditation
04. False Sensorial Impressions
05. Trail Of The Conscience Of The Dead
06. Eradication Through Hypnotic Suggestions
Total Playing Time: 53:52


lunes, 31 de octubre de 2016

Urfaust - Empty Space Meditation (2016)

Band: Urfaust
Album: Empty Space Meditation
Type: Full-length
Release date: October 28th, 2016
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal/Ambient
Lyrical themes: Death, Occultism, Intoxication, Rituals, Nihilism
Label: Ván Records
Location: Asten, North Brabant
Formed in: 2003
Country of origin: Netherlands

01. Meditatum I
02. Meditatum II
03. Meditatum III
04. Meditatum IV
05. Meditatum V
06. Meditatum VI
Total Playing Time: 47:07
