Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Harvest Gulgaltha. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Harvest Gulgaltha. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2022

Harvest Gulgaltha - Ancient Woods (2022)

Band: Harvest Gulgaltha
Album: Ancient Woods
Type: Full-length
Release date: November 11th, 2022
Genre: Black/Death Metal
Lyrical themes: Necromancy, Death, Occultism
Label: Godz ov War Productions
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Formed in: 2012
Country of origin: United States

01. From The Depths Of Acosmic Light
02. Vessel Of The Spirit Essence
03. Cleansed In Ash (Will Of The Flame Pt. 1)
04. Talisman Fed Flames
05. Primal Spirits And Iron Serpent (Will Of The Flame Pt. 2)
06. Ancient Woods Poisoned Black
07. Chaos Among The Dead (Will Of The Flame Pt. 3)
Total Playing Time: 35:16



martes, 5 de agosto de 2014

Harvest Gulgaltha - Necrosophic (Compilation) (2014)

Band: Harvest Gulgaltha
Album:  Necrosophic
Type: Compilation
Release date: August, 02th 2014
Genre: Black/Death Metal
Lyrical themes: Necromancy, Death, Occultism
Label: Aphotic Sonance
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Formed in: 2012
Country of origin: United States

01. Throes Of Opulence
02. Servant To The Black Cross
03. Of Power And Suspension
04. Liberation Of Corporeal Flesh
05. Rebirth Of Infinite Wisdom
06. Zenith Of Formless Chaos
07. Defleshed In Revelation
08. Black Fire Of The Other Side
Total Playing Time: 30:05
